![Dimitri Laurenty](http://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php?gravatar_id=1820a92a7861d21e4660d4c5c3eee18a&size=100&default=http%3a%2f%2fdlaurenty.portfoliopen.com%2fimg%2fnoavatar-100.png)
Dimitri Laurenty
Portfolio created 13/12/2010
I'm a young French game designer currently working in a shop selling boardgames in Dijon and trying to find a new job in level design, i finished a game design course in India, in a school called SupinfoGame.
I speak english and french fluently and did two internships as a game designer, the first one in Trine Games located in Mumbai for 3 months, the second one in Asyncron located near Nantes (France) for 6 months.
Im very fond of board games and I am working on a few by myself.
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